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RepostBy @themobilitymethod: 👊🏼 . ✨MAXIMIZE YOUR SHOULDER MOBILITY✨ . Today, I wanted to review some of my favorite ways to maximize full shoulder flexion range of motion by focusing largely on scapular movement and control. When we raise our arms overhead, often times our shoulder blade mobility becomes limited due to numerous reasons. Sometimes, it's our overactive lats or poor serratus anterior motor control. Either way, it's important we start focusing on the PUSH, utilizing triceps, serratus anterior and lower traps to free up our latissimus dorsi mobility. Once this can be accomplished, we: 🔹Decrease stress to the glenohumeral joint (that tightness or pain you feel at the back of your shoulder when your raise your arms overhead 🙋) 🔹Increase overhead stability and control of the shoulders, whether that entails standing upright 🏋️‍♀️ or being upside down 🤸‍♀️ Try these out and let me know how you feel! Another nugget of knowledge coming at you tomorrow! 👊 #docjenfit #move2improve #themobiltymethod #theoptimalbody #mobility @docjenfit @themobilitymethod" ̐ #aquafitness #acorestrength #corestability #physiotherapist #osteopathy #sportsmedicine #muscles #shoulderstretch #lats #triceps #sportphysio #sportsmedicine #physicaltherapist #physiogram #sportsperformancehub #fitness #athlete #chiropractic #training #motivation #flexibility #physiology #sport #strength #strengthandconditioning

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