How are you sitting or standing right at this moment? If you are like most folks, your spine is compromised by poor posture. Just abou...

Posture is Everything! 5 Steps to Better Posture

How are you sitting or standing right at this moment?

If you are like most folks, your spine is compromised by poor posture. Just about everyone has poor posture these days.

What Does Poor Posture do to my Health?

Changing your posture by sitting or standing up straight will instantly take a load of stress and strain off your lower back. Your lower back supports the weight of your entire upper body. When your head is directly on your neck and shoulders in good posture, then the load is evenly distributed and supported by your neck, shoulders and lower back. Dr. Mark Barnes says, however, that if your head weighs 10lbs, for every inch it moves forward the load your on spine increases by 10lbs. Therefore, having poor posture is like forcing your spine to support a bowling ball that is constantly pulling on your spine. If you are sitting in a curved or slumped position, think of all the strain your lower back is fighting against! This can lead to a whole host of potential problems (see list below).

Poor posture adversely affects the body in a variety of ways:
Abnormal wearing of joints (leading to arthritis)
Adaptation to being fixed in abnormal position (think hunchback)
Digestive problems
Breathing problems
Circulation and blood pressure issues
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Unnecessary pressure on pain sensitive nerves and tissues

Change your Posture for Life with These 5 Steps to a Healthy Back:

Good posture starts with both an awareness of your current body position and a desire to change your posture. Achieving good posture means training your body to put the least amount of strain on your supporting muscles, ligaments and joints.

Step 1: Find your back’s “happy back position” by sitting or standing upright until your spine is in neutral position. There should be a slight natural curve in your lower back.

Step 2: Contract your body’s inner core called the Transversus Abdominis (TrA) by drawing your belly button inwards toward your spine. Contract your TrA multiple times during the day.

Step 3: Lift your chest slightly by extending your mid-back.

Step 4: Squeeze your shoulder blades together and down.

Step 5: Lengthen the back of your neck by slightly tucking your chin in.

Now take a deep breath and relax your shoulders while maintaining this position. At first it may feel difficult to maintain good posture for prolonged periods of time. Fear not, it will get easier over time and is definitely worth the health benefits.
