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RepostBy @strengthcoachtherapy: "Uneven Hips?⚖️ — 📝This is a very common complaint. It seems like every self-aware exerciser has some sort of asymmetry they’re trying to manage. . 🦄Fear not my friends- this problem might not be as far out of reach as you think. Instead of trying to find someone to realign you, give these exercises a try. . 🐠Compare sides. Does one leg work better than the other? The goal is simple: even out those legs and hips. Like all of you, I too have some hip asymmetry. I like to keep my hips honest by constantly challenging my left to keep up with my right. . 🐙When it comes to evening out the hips: a nice mix of range of motion and stability/control exercises are the best bet. Watch above for a few ideas. . #TeddyTalksHips #StrengthCoachTherapy #strongfeet #hipstability #balance #human #movement #painfree #bunions #simple #powerful #consistency #pretoria #physicaltherapy #education #healthyfeet #prehab #splay #neuroscience #physio #movement #rehab #strengthandconditioning #painmanagement #sportsperformance #pain #posture #stretching #prehab #bodyhack

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